Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I am now a working woman. Despite the helpful suggestions of my friends (hey Heather, why don't you apply for this job on Craigslist, as a "Romance Specialist;" or you could be an egg donor! $5,000 a pop!), I found a job and successfully gave away a million signatures, which means I am committed. And I am so thankful. Life is going to look a little different in the near future - giving up some things I always took for granted, and learning to accept the unforseen gifts of the future (how pretentious was that little phrase?).

Forgive me, I've been awake too long.

I went to Denny's with the boys this morning. I dragged myself out of bed at 5:00am so I could be showered and dressed and in Santa Barbara by 5:45 to pick them all up. We had a lovely time eating free breakfast. Denny's wanted to feed America - and damnit, I am an American. And, I really love pancakes. And hanging out with the boys. So, overall, t'was a nice (early!) morning. Oh, and I saw Danielle before I left. Imagine that.

I think that if ever I am a mother, I shall like to make pancakes in the morning. And probably for dinner sometimes, too.

Tomorrow I will be brave:
I will go to the DMV and become a Californian.
Then I will schedule meetings, and cross things off of my to do list.
Then I will drive to L.A. by myself.
Then I will teach theatre to my peers, by myself.

Ok, good night. I'm going to go floss.

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